June 6th, 2010 at 09:10 pm
I've been so busy, but I realized I needed to post: DH got a job! It's a bit more physical than he had anticipated, but he's been at it for 2 weeks and is feeling good about things. YEAH!!!
We bought him some new safety shoes today, and selected frames for some new eyeglasses. He has his eye appointment on Wednesday, but I won't be able to come with him, so we decided to go out and select the frames together. They're holding them for him, so he doesn't have to worry about getting something that doesn't look good. I never realized how difficult it is to choose eyeglasses! While at the mall, we stopped and got a gelato. Then went home in time to shut the windows because a storm was on its way. Rained pretty hard for about an hour, and now the sun's peeking out again.
We needed to pull some cash out of the slowly growing efund to pay bills...but with another income, we should have no problem building it back up again.
The garden is planted and beginning to grow. Today's rain will certainly help. The lawn needs mowing, but I'll tackle that tomorrow.
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Extra money,
October 25th, 2009 at 03:28 am
I was a participant in a vendor fair today. I had no idea how it would go, but I sold $150 worth of product and have about 6 potential new customers. That's exciting! I also spent $10 on some gift items for 3 friends.
DH has been out of town, and I've been missing him. It is a rainy night...and sometimes the rain just makes me sad, especially when I'm alone. He'll be home in a few days. I've talked to him on the phone, but it's just not the same. Missing his hugs. 
When he comes home we're both going to be working on weight loss. I've been so wrapped up in trying to fix finances, run a business, run the house...that I've been ignoring myself. I think tomorrow is a good day as any to start with eating better. I think I'll need to get to the grocery store to pick up some milk and lettuce. DH told me I should get myself a lobster, because I like them. I'll check out the price and if it's less than $6.99 a pound, I may get myself a pounder. Odds are, I won't, but I'll look anyway. Maybe there'll be some other seafood that is priced right. He doesn't care for seafood as much as I do, so I usually take advantage of having it when he's not around.
The 9-5 job has been busy and hectic this past week. One person isn't pulling his weight, and he thinks it's okay to do that. He acts as if he's doing us a huge favor by showing up. From the sounds of things, the higher-ups aren't at all impressed - and he may soon be out the door. Like my dad would say, don't let it hit you in the butt on your way out. LOL
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Extra money
September 13th, 2009 at 02:07 am
I went out to eat with friends and then we went shopping. I spent exactly $20 on dinner, and tried on a lot of shoes and outfits, but bought nothing. I couldn't buy anything - I smartly left all my credit cards and my debit card at home. I had another $10 on my after dinner (paid that in cash), but I didn't want to friviously throw that way. So it's nicely snuggled in my wallet.
Thanks for all the support and motivation from everyone thus far in my journey. I really appreciate it!
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Saving Money,